Housekeeper confidentiality agreement california

Confidentiality Agreement and Household Employment

nanny confidentiality agreement

Many people hear the words "nanny confidentiality agreement" and think this is something Brad and Angelina need - not their family! People and families have vastly different definitions of boundaries, and including a confidentiality agreement in a nanny's or other household employee's written work agreement is a best practice. Best case, it opens the conversation between the family and their household employee about discretion, boundaries and confidentiality. This is the opportunity for the family to set their standards and expectations. Worst case, the family has cause for separation from, or firing, the nanny who shares a blow by blow of your lastest marital squabble at the neighborhood park with other nannies and your neighbors. What items should be covered by the work agreement's confidentiality clause? Depending on your personal preferences and concerns: