Trust tax reporting requirements

New trust disclosure rules originally announced on February 27, 2018, are now in force, and trusts with taxation years ending on or after December 31, 2023 are now subject to a series of new requirements relating to reporting and disclosure. Trusts with a 2023 calendar year-end must file a tax return for the 2023 taxation year by March 30, 2024, and must include in their filing the newly-implemented disclosure requirements. Note, all trusts (other than graduated rate estates) generally have a December 31 tax year-end.

Specifically, trustees must now significantly increase the amount of information disclosed to Canada Revenue Agency (“CRA”), and must file a T3 Trust Income Tax and Information Return (“T3 Return”) for each year in existence going forward, whether or not income is earned within the trust. With the 2023 taxation year having ended, this article highlights the changes to be considered when filing for 2023. We encourage trustees to contact their lawyer, accountant or tax preparer to discuss the impact on any existing trust arrangements that might be in place.

The new rules apply to all “express trusts”. The CRA indicates they consider an express trust to be “a trust generally created with the settlor’s express intent, usually made in writing (as opposed to a resulting or constructive trust, or certain trusts deemed to arise under the provision of a statute)”.

New information disclosure requirements

For express trusts in existence during the 2023 taxation year, information must be collected and reported on the following persons:

That information for each person includes:

Trustees will need to work with their tax preparers to collect, store, and manage this information in order to facilitate tax filing in 2024 and subsequent years. This information will have to be filed as a schedule to the T3 Return filed in 2024 for the 2023 taxation year (Schedule 15), and not separately.

The disclosure required for the beneficiaries of trusts is quite broad. The CRA has indicated this broad test:

“Generally, the determination of who is a beneficiary of a particular trust requires a finding of fact based on all the relevant information, including the terms of the trust and the settlor’s intent in establishing the trust. In essence, a beneficiary of a trust is a person (other than a protector) who has a right to compel the trustee to properly enforce the terms of the trust, regardless of whether that person’s right to any of the income or capital is immediate, future, contingent, absolute or conditional on the exercise of discretion by any person. However, such a determination is ultimately dependent on the specific facts, terms of the trust as well as the relevant trust law.” [Emphasis added]

We note that disclosing that level of required information can have significant impact on many Canadians’ estate plans, as the information noted above must be collected from all beneficiaries, as well as those individuals involved in the settlement, management, and administration of the trust. This may come as a surprise to persons involved with discretionary family trusts settled several years ago without much activity since settlement. The rules also apply to testamentary trusts, estates that are not graduated rate estates, and other types of inter vivos trusts.

While there is an exemption for trusts that have been in existence for less than three months, the new rules catch many unexpected situations:

  1. Any trust that was in existence on January 1, 2023 will need to file for the 2023 tax year, in accordance with these new requirements. This means that if a trust existed for three months in 2022 and was still in existence on January 1, 2023, even if it was wound up on January 2, 2023 a T3 Return would still need to be filed for the 2023 taxation year.
  2. In addition, any trust that was in existence for more than three months within 2023, even if wound up during 2023, is subject to the T3 Return requirement.

It is thus crucial that trustees of a trust that was in existence at any point in 2023 consider the new rules, and determine whether action is required to mitigate the impact of these changes.

New filing requirements

Trustees of trusts created during an estate freeze, bare trusts, or trusts designed to hold specific property, may have never filed T3 Returns if the trust has not earned any income since its settlement. Going forward, all these “express trusts” resident in Canada and certain non-resident trusts are required to file a T3 Return, regardless of whether income is earned.

Of particular importance, the CRA has indicated that these new rules extend to bare trusts, despite the fact that bare trusts are not considered as taxable trusts from a tax law perspective. The implication of this is that the trustees of bare trusts must file a T3 Return for 2023 and every subsequent year the trust exists, even though bare trusts are still not separate taxpayers for income tax purposes and any income earned is taxed in the hands of the beneficial owner, not the trust.

While “bare trusts” are not explicitly defined in the Income Tax Act, the CRA’s T3 Trust Guide defines bare trusts as an arrangement where “the trust can reasonably be considered to act as agent for all the beneficiaries under the trust with respect to all dealings with all of the trust’s property”. The Trust Guide further provides that a trustee can reasonably be considered to act as agent for a beneficiary when “the trustee has no significant powers or responsibilities; the trustee can take no action without instructions from that beneficiary and the trustee’s only function is to hold legal title to the property.” In a bare trust situation, the trustee generally must consult and take instructions the beneficiary with respect to dealings with the trust property.

As a result, these new rules may extend to the following types of relationships, in addition to the more traditional express trust relationships such as alter ego, joint partner, spousal, testamentary, family, and business trusts: